| Groepstherapie, nr 2, juni 2002 | Tijdschrift voor groeps-psychotherapie Interview met ... | |
| Free Associations 4, 1986 | Journal of critical thinking on ... | |
Amado, G. Richard Elsner | Leaders in transition, 2007 | Why some leaders succeed more than ... | |
Appignanesi | Postmodernism ICA documents, 1989 | | |
Balint, Enid | Before I was I, 1993 | Psychoanalysis and the ... | |
Benvenuto, Rice and Kennedy, Roger | The works of Jacques Lacan, an introduction, 1986 | Comprehensive introduction, explaining its relevance ... | 25-mrt-2022 |
Berne, Eric | What do you say after you say hello? 1972 | The psychology of human destiny (from I'm ok, you're ... | |
Bernstein, L. | The Joy of Music, 1959 | | |
Bettelheim, Bruno | Freud & Man's Soul, 1983 | ... | |
Bion - a memorial to w.r. bion; Grotstein, Editor (1981; reprinted 1993) | Do i dare disturb the universe? | | |
Bion, Francesca (editor) | Bion in New York and Sao Paulo, 1980 | ... | |
Bion, W.R. | All my Sins Remembered & The Other Side of Genius 1985 | All my sins remembered, Another part of a Life The ... | |
Bion, W.R. | Dawn of oblivion, book 3 of A Memoir of the Future, 1979 | | |
Bion, W.R. | Two Papers The Grid and Caesura, 1989 | | |
Bion, W.R. & F. Bion | A Key to a Memoir of the Future, 1981 | Compiled by Bion W.R. and F. ... | |
Bion, W.R. et al | The Dawn of Oblivion, 1979 | Book 3 of A memoire of the ... | |
Bion, Wilfred R. | The Long Week-end 1897-1919, 1986 | Part of a Life- ... | |
Bion, Wilfred R. | Seven Servants, Four Works, 1977 | Learning form experience Elements of Psycho-Analysis Transformations Attention ... | |
Bion, Wilfred, edited by Bion, Francesca | The Long Weekend 1897 - 1919, 1986 | The Long Weekend, 1897 - 1919, Part of a ... | |
Blos, Peter | Son and Father, 1985 | Before and Beyond the Oedipus ... | |
Boalt Boëthius | Autonomy coping and the defense in small work groups, 1983 | An analysis of psychological processes within and ... | |
Board, R. de | The psychoanalysis of Organizations, 1978 | A Psychoanalytic Approach to Behaviour in Groups and ... | |
Bollas, Christopher | The Shadow of the Object: Psychoanalysis of the Unthought Known, 1987 | Contribution on the British school of Objectrelations ... | |
Bollas, Christopher | Being a Character, 1993 | Psychoanalysis of Self Experience, explains how each ... | |
Bollas, Christopher | The Infinite Question, 2009 | Illustrates how Freud's free associative method provides ... | |
Bollas, Christopher | Forces of Destiny, 1989 | Psychoanalysis and Human ... | |
Bollas, Christopher | The Mystery of Things, 1999 | ... | |
Bollas, Christopher | Cracking Up, 1995 | The Work of Unconscious ... | |
Boogaars, Johan; Hardeveld van, Erik; Woertmand Fenneke | Counselling een Nieuw Perspectief, 2007 | Over verschillende stromingen en varianten van ... | |
Bott Spillius, Elizabeth et al | The New Dictionary of Kleinian Thought, 2011 | Based on A Dictionary of Kleinian Thought by ... | |
Bridge, Marie editors | On the way home, 2008 | Conversations between writers and ... | |
Briggs, Andrew | Surviving Space, 2002 | Papers on Infant Observation from the Tavistock Clinial ... | |
Brunner, Louisa and Nutkevitch, Avi and Sher, Mannie | Group Relations Conferences, Reviewing and exploring theory, design, role-taking and application | | |
Brunning, H. Editor | Executive Coaching Systems-Psychodynamic Perspectives, 2006 | | |
Burnham, James | The managerial revolution, 1945 | ... | |
Burns, Liz | Literature and Therapy, a systemic view, 2009 | An invitation to the world of literature, drawing ... | 25-mrt-2022 |
Carroll, Michael; Walton, Michael | Handbook of Counseling in Organizations | | |
Casement, Patrick | On learning from the Patient, 1985 | The dynamics of the helping ... | |
Casement, Patrick | Further Learning from the Patient, 1990 | The Analytic Space and ... | |
Cashdan, Sheldon | Object Relations Therapy, 1988 | Using the ... | |
Clarke, S. Hoggett Paul | Researching Beneath the Surface, 2009 | Psycho-Social Research Methods in ... | |
Coltart, Nina | The Baby and the Bathwater, 1996 | | |
Copley, Beta | The World of Adolescence, 1993 | Literature, Society and Psychoanalytic ... | |
Covington, Coline et al., editors | Terrorism and War, Uncounscious Dynamics of Political Violence, 2002 | ... | |
Davenhill, Rachael | Looking into later Life, 2007 | Psychoanalytic Approach to Depression and Demtia in ... | |
Demause, Lloyd | Foundations of Psychohistory, 1982 | Psychohistory, ao THe evolution of childhood, Historical ... | |
Dougall, Joyce; Lebovici, Serge | Dialogue with Sammy, 1989 | A Psychoanalytical Constribution to the Understanding ... | |
Dupont, Judith editor | The Clinical Diary of Sándor Ferenczi, 1988 | a method constituting a humanizing breakthrough for ... | 25-mrt-2022 |
Emery, F.E. (editor) | Systems Thinking, 1972 (oorspr 1969) | History of ideas of systems theory Propertiesof environments ... | |
Erikson, Erik H. | Childhood and Society, 1963 | While tribes and nations, in many intuitive ways, ... | |
Esman, Aaron H. | Essential Papers on Transference, 1990 | | |
Fineman, Stephen and Gabriel, Yannis | Experiencing Organizations, 1996 | Hoe jonge mensen organisaties ... | |
Flanders, Sara | The Dream Discourse Today, 1993 | Dream ... | |
Fornari, F. | The psychoanalysis of War, 1974 | ... | |
French, Robert; Vince, Russ | Group Relations, Management and Organization, 1999 | Oxford University ... | |
Fromm, Gerard M. editor | Play, Creativity, and Psychoanalysis, 2014 | The psychoanalysis of Art and the Art of ... | |
Fuller, Peter | Art and Psychoanalysis, 1980 | how psychonalysis can illuminate ... | 25-mrt-2022 |
Gabriel, Yiannis | Organizations in Depth, 1988 | Systemix analysis of the insights from the field of ... | |
Gabriel, Yiannis | Organizing Words, 2008 | A critical thesaurus for social and organization ... | |
Garner, Howard | Intelligence Reframed, 1999 | Frames of Mind Multiple Intelligences for the 21th ... | 25-mrt-2022 |
Gosling, R. et al. editors | The Use of Small Groups in Training, 1967 | Derived from proceedings of a conference of the Tavistoch ... | |
Gould, Laurens J.; Stapley, Lionel F.; Stein, Mark | Experiential Learning in Organizations, 2004 | Applications of the Tavistock Group Relations Approach ... | |
Gowing, L. | Matisse, 1979 | | 25-mrt-2022 |
Green, André | On Private Madness, 1972 (1997) | | |
Gross-Kurth, Ph. | Melanie Klein Her world and her work, 1985 | | |
Grosskurth, Phyllis | Melanie Klein: Her World and Her Work, 1985 | ... | |
Grotstein | A Beam of Intense Darkness, 2007 | Wilfred Bion's Legacy to ... | |
Grotstein, James S. (editor) | Do I Dare Disturb the Universe 1981 | A memorial to Wilfred R. Bion Sievers ... | |
Günter Michael | Playing the Unconscious, 2007 | Psychanalytic INterviews with the Children Using Winnicott's ... | |
Guntrip, H. Ph. D. | Personality Structure and Human Interaction, The International Psychoanalytical Library No 56, 1982 | The Developing Synthesis of Psycho-dynamic ... | |
Guntrip, Harry | Schizoid Phenomena Object-Relations and The Self, 1974 | | |
Gutmann, David, Van der Rest, Ternier-David, Verrier and Millat | Disillusionment, dialogue of lacks, 2005 | | |
Handy, C. | The empty rainstorm, 2002 | New thinking for a new world If economic progress ... | 25-mrt-2022 |
Harris Williams, Meg | Art and Analysis, 2014 | An Adrian Stokes ... | |
Harris Williams, Meg | The Vale of Soulmaking, 2005 | The post-Kleinian Model of the Mind as developed by ... | |
Herbst, P.G. | Sociotechnical Design: Strategies in Multidisciplinary Research, 1974 | ... | |
Herbst, Ph. G. | Alternatives to hierarchies, 1976 | Tavistock ... | |
Herman, Nini | My Kleinian Home, 1989 | AJourney Through Four Psychotherapies ao Jung, Freud, ... | |
Hinselwood, R.D. and Skogstad Editors | Observing Organisations, 2000 | Anxiety, defence and culture in health ... | |
Hinshelwood R. Robinson S. Zarate Oscar | Introducing Melanie Klein, 1998 | Overview of her ... | |
Hinshelwood, R.D. | A Dictionary of Kleinian thought, 1991 | ... | |
HIrschhorn, L. | The workplace within, 1993 | Psychodynamics of Organizational ... | |
Hirschhorn, Larry | The Workplace Within, 1988 | Psychodynamics oF Organizational ... | |
Holloway, Elizabeth | Clinical Supervision, 1995 | A Systems ... | |
Horney, K. M.D. | Our Inner Conflicts, A constructive Theory of Neurosis, 1945 | New ways in Psychoanalysis Self ... | |
Hyde, Maggie and Mc Guinness, Michael | Jung for beginners, 1992 | Jungs leven in ... | |
Jacobs, Michael | The Presenting Past, 1998 | The core of psychdynamic counselling and ... | |
Jones, Gustavus Sarah | Understanding your one-year-old, 2004 | | |
Kaufmann, Walter | The Portable Nietzsche, 1954 (ed 1982) | Translations of Nietzsches four major works + selections ... | |
Kets de Vries M.F. and Danny Miller | Unstable at the Top, 1989 | Inside the troubled ... | |
Klein Melanie et al (editors) | New Directions in Psychoanalysis, 1985 | The Significance of Infant Conflict in the Pattner ... | |
Klein, Edward et al. editors | Dynamic Consultation in a changing Workplace, 2000 | ... | |
Klein, Melanie | Envy and Gratitude, 1975, 1988 | And other works ... | |
Koenigsberg, R. | Hitler's Ideology | A study in Psychoanalytic ... | |
Kohon, Gregorio | The British School of Psychoanalysis, 1986 | The independent Tradition, with a contribution of ... | |
Kreeger, L. (editor) | Large Group (The) - Dynamics & Therapy, 1975 | Contributions of various authors on the theory and ... | |
Kreeger, Lionel (editor) | Large Group (the), 1975 | Dynamics & ... | |
Kurth, Phyllis Gross-Kurth | Melanie Klein, 1985 | Her World and her ... | |
Lacan, Jacques | The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis, 1973 | | |
Laing, R.D. | The Divided Self, 1972 | An Existential Study in Sanity and ... | |
Laing, R.D. | Self and Others, 1988 | ... | |
Laing, R.D. | Knots, 1970 | Duologues, ... | |
Laing, R.D. | The Voice of Experience, 1982 | Experience, Science and ... | |
Laing, R.D. and Esterson, A | Sanity, Madness, and the Family, 1964 | Families of ... | |
Lawrence, G. | Roots in a Northern Landscape, 1996 | Celebration of Childhood in the North East of Scotland Rose ... | |
Lawrence, W. G. | Tongued with fire, 2000 | Groups in ... | |
Levine, David P. | Object Relations, Work and the Self, 2010 (oorsprl 2018) | How can psa object relation theories help us understand ... | |
Liberman, E. James M.D. | Acts of Will, 1985 | Ondertitel The life and Work of Otto ... | |
Lieberman, E. James, M.D. | Acts of Will, The Life and Work of Otto Rank, 1985 | First complete biography of Otto Rank, once Freud's ... | |
Lifton, R.J. Olson E. (editors) | Explorations in Psychohistory, 1974 | The Wellfleet Papers and with Essays by Erik Erikson ... | |
López-Corvo, Rafael E. | The Dictionary of The Work of W.R. Bion 2002 | Reference book Bion's legacy to ... | |
Lord | The Intimacy of Influence, 1999 | Proefschrift Naratieve en theoretische ficties in ... | 25-mrt-2022 |
Mahler, Margaret; Pine, Fred; Bergman, Anni | Psychological Birth of the Human Infant,1975 | Symbiosis and ... | |
Mannoni, Maud | The Child, his 'Illness', and the Others, 1967 | Quote: 'We have really understood when we become part ... | |
Matthiessen, P. | On the River Styx, 1990 | | 25-mrt-2022 |
McCaffrey, Philip | Freud and Dora, 1984 | The Artful Dream About Freud's dream interpretation ... | |
McCaughan, Nano and Palmer, Barry | Systems Thinking for Harassed Managers, 2004 (1994) | A volume in the Systemic Thinking and Practice ... | |
Meltzer, D. | The Kleinian Development, 1978 | Part I Freud's clininal Development Part II Richard ... | |
Meltzer, D. | The Kleinian Development, 2008 | | |
Meltzer, Donald | Dream Life, 2009 | A Re-examination od the Psychoanalytic Theory and ... | |
Meltzer, Donald | The Kleinian Development Part I, 1985 | Freuds Clinical Development ... | |
Meltzer, Donald | Studies in Extended Metapsychology, 1986 | Clinical Applications of Bion's ... | |
Meltzer, Donald, M.D. | The Kleinian Development part III, 1978 | The clinical significance of the work of ... | |
Menzies Lythe, Isabel | The Dynamic of the Social, 1989 | Selected Essays Volume ... | |
Miller | Thou Shallt not be Aware, 1989 | Society's Betrayal of the ... | |
Miller, Alice | Banished Knowledge, 1991 | Facing Childhood ... | |
Miller, Alice | For your own Good, 1983 | The Roots of Violence in ... | |
Miller, J.A. (editor) | The four fundamental concepts of Psychoanalysis, 1998 | The seminar of jacques ... | |
Miller, Lisa; Rustin, Margaret; Rustin, Michael; Shuttleworth Judy | Closely Observed Infants, 1989 | Studies of the observation of 9 infants in their first ... | |
Milner, Marion | The Hands of the Living God. an account of psycho-analytic treatment, 1969 (2010) | Detailed case-study, at once autobiographical and ... | |
Mitchell, Juliet | Mad Men and the Medusas, 2000 | Hyteria and the effects of siblingh relations on the ... | |
Mitchell, Juliet | Melanie Klein - the selected, 1986 | Introduction to Melanie ... | |
Mitrani, Judith | Ordinary People and Extra-Ordinary Protections, 2001 | General editor Susan ... | |
Morgan Jones, Richard | The Body of the Organization and It's Health, 2010 | This book addresses organisational health and ... | |
Mullan, Bob | Mad to be Normal, Conversations with R.D. Laing, 1995 | Based on hundreds of hours of conversation with Bob ... | |
Myers, Charles S. | Present-day Applications of Psychology, 1919 | with special reference to Industry, Education and ... | |
Neumann, J.E., Holti, R., Standing H. | Change everything at once!, 1995 | The Tavistock Institute's Guide to Developing Teamwork ... | |
Newton, John; Long, Susan; Sievers, Burkard | Coaching in Depth, 2006 | The Organizational Role Analysis ... | |
Nitsun, Morris | The Anti-Group, 1996 | Destructive foces in the group and their creative ... | |
Noonan, Ellen | Counselling Young People, 1983 | Theory and Practice of Counselling Adolescents with ... | |
Ogden, Thomas | Reverie and Interpretation, 1999 | Sensing Something ... | |
Ogden, Thomas H. | Subjects of Analysis, 1994 | | |
Ogden, Thomas H. | The matrix of the mind, 1992 | ... | |
Ogden, Thomas H.M.D. | The Primitive Edge of Experience, 1989 | | |
Olson, I. A. (Editor) | The Other Place, 1995 | Poetry from Aberdeen University Review 1913-1995 Introduction ... | |
Owen, Harrison | Open Space Technology, 1977 | A Users ... | |
Parker, I. | Lacanian Psychoanalysis, 2011 | Revolution in subjectivity Advancing Theory in Therapy ... | |
Parker, Ian | Psychoanalytic Culture, 1979 | Psychoanalytic Discourse in Western ... | |
Parker, Rozsika | Torn in Two, 1995 | The Experience of Maternal ... | |
Parks, Colin Murray; Stevenson-Hinde, Joan; Marris, Peter | Attachment Across the Life Cycle, 1991 | ... | |
Parsons, M. | The Dove that Returns the Dove that Vanishes, 2000 | Paradox and Creativity in ... | 25-mrt-2022 |
Phillips, Adam | Darwin's Worms, 1999 | | |
Proctor, Brigid | Counselling Shop, 1978 | A Classification of Major Issues in British Counselling ... | |
Quinodoz, Jean-Michel | Dreams that Run Over a Page, 2002 | Paradoxical Dreams in ... | |
Rank, Otto | A discovered Legacy, 1982 | ... | |
Rayner, Eric | The Independent Mind in British Psychoanalysis, 1991 | Works from the British Object Relations ... | |
Reggiori, Joan | Reconstructing Infancy, 1996 | Papers from the Public Conference of the BAP in May ... | |
Rens-Goudriaan, Mieke | De Poppendokter en andere herinneringen, geen jaar | Herinneringen aan mensen en ... | |
Rice, A.K. | The Modern University, 1970 | A model Organization Tavistock ... | |
Richards, Barry | Capitalism and Infancy, 1984 | Psychoanalysis and Politics, Essays ... | |
Riesenberg-Malcolm, Ruth | On Bearing Unbearable States of Mind, 1999 | On defenses bearing anxieties ... | |
Rogers, Carl R. | Becoming Partners, 1984 | Marriage & its ... | |
Rogers, Carl R. | A Therapist's View of Psychotherapy, 1967 | On Becoming a ... | |
Roudinesco | Jacques Lacan & CO, 1990 | A history of Psychoanalysis in France ... | 25-mrt-2022 |
Rycroft, Charles | Psychoanalysis and Beyond, 1985 | Freud... and others Thematische ... | |
Safouan, Moustapha | Jacques Lacan and the Question of Psychoanalytic Training, 1983 (2000) | | |
Salzberger-Wittenberg | Psychoanalytic-Analytic Insight and Relationships, 1988 | A Kleinian ... | |
Salzberger-Wittenberg I., Gianna Willems, Elsie Osborne | The Emotional Experience of Learning and Teaching, 1983 | Relation student and teacher and emtional factors ... | 25-mrt-2022 |
Samuels, Andrew | Politics on the Couch, 2001 | Citizenship and the Internal ... | |
Schein, Edgar et al | Process Consultation: its role in organization development, 1969 | ... | |
Schermer, V.L. Malcolm Pines | Ring of Fire, 1994 | Primitive affects and Object relations in Group ... | |
Schor, Mira | A decade of negative thinking, 2009 | Essays on Art, Politics, and Daily ... | |
Schwartz, Howard S. | Society against itself, Political Correctness and Organisational Self-Destruction, 2010 | Sentence from the introduction, p XII: 'Our society ... | |
Schwartz, Howard S. | Society Against itself, 2010 | Political Correctness and Organisational ... | |
Seashore, Stanley E., Bowers D. | Changing the Structure and Functioning of An Organization, 1963 | Report of a field ... | |
Segal, Hanna | The Work of Hanna Segal, Delusion and artistic creativity & other psychoanalytic essays, 1986 | Collection of Segal's principal works from 1950 to ... | |
Sims, D. Fineman, S. Gabriel, Y. | Organizing & Organizations, an Introduction, 1993 | ... | |
Slater, Lauren | Opening Skinner's Box, great psychological experiments of the 20th century, 2004 | Slater investigates ten of the most famous psychological ... | |
Spillius Bott, E. | Melanie Klein Today, 1988 | Developments in theory and practice Volume 2; Mainly ... | |
Spillius, Bott, E. | Melanie Klein Today, 1988 | Developments in theory and practice Volume 1; Mainly ... | |
Spisak, D. | Psychoanalysis of Culture and History, 1999 | | |
Stein, Howard | Evocations, 1997 | ... | |
Stein, Howard F. | Listening Deeply, 1994 | An Approach to Understanding and Consulting in Organizational ... | |
Stein, Howard F. | The Dream of Culture, 1994 | Essays on Cuture's ... | |
Stern, Daniel N. | The Interpersonal World of the Infant | A view from Psychoanalysis and Developmental ... | |
Stern, Daniel N. | The Interpersonal World of the Infant, 1985 | A view from Psychoanalysis and Developmental ... | |
Stern, Daniel N. | Motherhood Constellation, 1995 | A Unified View of Parent-Infant ... | |
Sulloway, Frank J. | Born to Rebel, 1997 | Birth Order, Family Dynamics and Creative ... | |
Symington, Neville | Becoming a person Through Psychoanalysis, 2007 | Pathway to become a ... | |
Symington, Neville | The analytic experience, 1986 | Lectures from the Tavistock On psychoanalysis, ... | |
Tavistock Institute | Human Relations, 1947 | A quarterly Journal of Studies towards the Integration ... | |
Thompson, Clara et al (editor) | An Outline of Psychoanalysis, 1955 | Revised ... | |
Thomson, Martina | On Art and Therapy, 1989 | An exploration of ... | 25-mrt-2022 |
Trist, E. Hugh Murray editors | Social Engagement of Social Science, 1990 | Volume 1 The Socio-Psychological ... | |
Trist, E. Murray, H. | The Social Engagement of Social Science Volume I, 1990 | The Socio-Psychological Perspective A Tavistock ... | |
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Vince, Russ | Managing change, 1996 | Reflections on equality and management ... | |
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Welldon, Estela V. | Mother Madonna Whore, 1988 | The idealization and Denigration of ... | |
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